Olivier Parent
A T.E.C.H.I.E. from Belgium.
About myself
Hi I’m Olivier Parent and I’m a lecturer and research scientist at Artevelde University of Applied Sciences, one of the largest universities of applied sciences in Belgium.
I teach subjects related to the fields of design science and computer science to undergraduate students. More specifically to those students studying in the degree programmes of Associate Degree in Computer Programming and Bachelor of Graphic and Digital Media.
I'm an alumnus of the University of Antwerp and Howest University of Applied Sciences, and I hold an MSc in Product Development and my industry experience includes numerous web development projects in Courtray, Brussels, Ghent, Stockholm, and London (Wimbledon and Westminster) for several high-end clients.
Recent projects
- e-VOTO
A mobile application for occupational therapists to assess fall risks of the elderly at home. - startmeupbuddy.io
A mobile app to support entrepreneurs in the prestart and start phase of the startup process. - klokleren.be
A therapeutic mobile web app for teaching clock reading skills, based upon scientific research.
Recent publications
- Parent, O. (2018). New Media Design I [Online]
- Parent, O. (2018). New Media Design III [Online]
- Parent, O. (2018). Web Development II [Online]
- Parent, O. (2017). CMS Development [Online]
- Parent, O. (2017). New Media Design II [Online]
- Parent, O. (2017). Web Development I [Online]
- Parent, O. (2017). Web Technology I [Online]
- De Maeyer, Ch., Bonne, K, Bouters, L. & Parent, O. (2015). StartMeUp! Stimulating Self-employment for Students in the Creative Industries. International Circular of Graphic Education and Research, No. 8 2015. 64—71, https://www.hdm-stuttgart.de/international_circle/circular/?c-lang=en
- Burny, E., Van Vooren, V., Parent, O., & Neuttiens, T. (2012, 14-17 November). Towards an evidence-based approach for teaching clock reading skills in primary education. Paper presented at 3rd World Conference on Information Technology. WICT-2012. University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. Submitted for publication.
- Van Vooren, V., Burny, E., Parent, O., & Neuttiens, T. (2012, 14-17 November). The development of a web-based educational computer assistant software application for clock reading. Paper presented at 3rd World Conference on Information Technology. WICT-2012. University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. Sumitted for publication.
In social media
Of course I have to expose myself on social media — as decently as possible.
Tweets by olivierparent77